St. Colette Parish Center Addition

Project Description

St. Colette Catholic Parish engaged JGJ in the Spring of 2017 to begin planning and budgeting efforts for their parish improvement plan.

Phase 1 of this multi-phased capital improvement plan involved renovations to the existing sacristy and support spaces and upgrades and repairs to the MEP and roofing sections.

Phase 2, the addition of a new Parish Center building, was delayed due to the pandemic and redesign efforts. The City of Brunswick required the Parish to upgrade the site for stormwater runoff. JGJ worked with the city and created a retention pond for the site in lieu of expensive underground stormwater tanks. JGJ ran studies to determine which existing utilities could be tied into the existing infrastructure and located an existing, larger size water line and eliminated having to replace it, saving money. JGJ also changed from traditional masonry to a pre-engineered metal building to save more than $1 million.

Approved for construction in the Fall of 2021, Phase 2 began in the spring and was completed in December 2022.

Project Details

owner: Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
architect: Braun & Steidl Architects
location: Brunswick, OH
type: Renovation / Addition
delivery: Design/Build
sq ft: 8,240
year completed: 2023