McGregor PACE Brooklyn Center

Project Description

The McGregor PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) Brooklyn site will be the new, Cleveland West, adult day center.  

PACE allows participants to receive the medical, rehabilitative, social, and personal care they need to remain living at home.

The center includes a mini-clinic with exam rooms and offices, a physical therapy room, a kitchen and food storage area, community rooms, reception areas, restrooms, nursing stations, a family meeting room, a dining room, a staff break room, and a transportation area. 

JGJ was the Construction Manager for the renovation and tenant build-out. 

Project Details

owner: The McGregor Foundation
architect: Hiti, DiFrancesco and Siebold, Inc.
location: Brooklyn, OH
type: Renovation and Tenant Build-Out
delivery: CM at Risk
sq ft: 17,000
year completed: 2024